“The only platform publishers can count on is the open web. Facebook is the biggest threat there has ever been to the open web. Any publisher that is dependent on Facebook, or that trusts Facebook, is out of their goddamn mind.” – @daringfireball
The proceedings for the systemic design conference @2kp_koen mentioned during his #wiad18 talk. #wiad18nl
Hearing about language for transition from @2pk_koen. Want to change the org? Change the language. Identify the current language using Geert Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. #wiad18 #wiad18nl
Kristof has his webmentions up and running:
So me posting a link to his blog post should generate a mention somewhere:
Joeri ponders how improving the Drupal admin UI and training people to use it are two sides of the same coin. Extra props for the Kathy Sierra book reference:
Bought my ticket to @DrupalCampRuhr. It's going to be organised barcamp style: program decided on by attendees at the start of the day. Looking forward to it.